
Preparing for Interviews and Matching | APPIC Video Series | GradGirlRambles

Preparing for Interviews and Matching

As you may remember from your graduate school process, preparing for your #interviews are a key factor in the application process. The #APPIC Match process is similar to the medical school #matching model.

0:00 Introductions

1:26 Expected fees/costs (registration, cost per application, etc.)

5:05 Considerations outside of site prestige (i.e., work-life balance, personal values and priorities, mental health)

10:42 Communicating about disabilities and mental health

15:57 Vibes during interviews (i.e., the people, the work, safety of the environment)

17:58 Have a memorable experience/fact about yourself ready

18:50 Organizing your materials for interviews

22:30 Talking about how your extracurricular activities impact your work

24:29 Take notes during your interview

25:30 Keep the interview conversational

26:20 Preparing for the cases you’ll talk about (emphasizing the process)

29:55 Practice for your interviews! (mock interviewing and preparing questions)

31:40 “Thank you” notes

34:12 APAGS (Red) Book


APPIC Match Overview: https://appic.org/Internships/Match/A...

APPIC Matching Process and Results: https://www.appic.org/Match/FAQs/Appl...

APAGS Internship (Red) Book: https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4313052

APPIC-’s Email Lists: https://www.appic.org/E-Mail-Lists/Su...

APA Resource Guide for Grad Students with Disabilities https://www.apa.org/pi/disability/res...

APPIC Fostering a Disability-Affirming Training Environment and Culturally Competent Supervision to Trainees with Disabilities https://www.appic.org/Portals/0/2016%...

Sample APPIC Interview Questions https://time2track.com/wp-content/upl...

Go-To Guide for Surviving APPIC Interviews https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q8RB...

Time2Track’s Definitive Guide to the APPIC Internship Match https://time2track.com/wp-content/upl...

Time2Track’s 5 Foolproof Ways to Ace Your Interview https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i7zD...


One of my goals for this channel was to provide crucial information that is often considered part of a “hidden curriculum” when it comes to our graduate journeys. In this APPIC Video Series, I have three doctoral candidates join me in imparting their wisdom and insights into the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) application process. Stephanie, Dieu, and Adrianna join me as they’re preparing to begin their internship year having just successfully completed the APPIC process.

Feel free to connect with us!

Dieu Truong is a School Psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Houston. She is beginning her internship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Autism Track. You can connect with her on Twitter @truongdm or email her at truongd@chop.edu.

Stephanie Campbell is a School Psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She is beginning her internship at the East Family Guidance Center in Hilo, HI. You can connect with her on Twitter @fatcritscholar, visit her website stephaniemcampbell.com, or email her at scampbell24@wisc.edu.

Adrianna Crossing is a School Psychology doctoral candidate at Michigan State University. She is beginning her internship at the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Child/Clinical Track. You can connect with her on Twitter @aecrossing or email her at crossing@msu.edu.


For more about my experiences in graduate school, head over to brianajwilliams.com/grad-girl-rambles/blog/ for my blogs!

Twitter @brij_williams | https://www.twitter.com/brij_williams

Instagram @gradgirlrambles | https://www.instagram.com/gradgirlram...


Helpful School Psychology resources

NASP: https://www.nasponline.org/about-scho...

APA: apa.org


Application Timeline and Process | APPIC Video Series | GradGirlRambles